Saturday, September 27, 2008

Old Rose


Bob Logan said...



Conrad Vernon said...

Thanks Babs!

Conrad Vernon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vincent Waller said...

Oh give us a kiss. I can taste the Jack Daniels and Chesterfields from here.
Nice, very nice.

Vincent Waller said...

Oh, and Feenamint gum.

cwyatt said...

You're so good Conrad!!!!!!!

That's all I can say

Bob Logan said...

I keep coming back to this illustration. I now notice the bits of, what do they use....fake diamonds? embedded in the frames.

Incredible piece.


Conrad Vernon said...

You guys inspire what me with all your fabulastical drawerings! Thanks! I love you guys!
weepy tear shed...

Conrad Vernon said...

Wait... FEENAMINT GUM?! I love that shit! I haven't seen that stuff since I was a kid!

Anonymous said...

Do not cry Conrad.
You make me cry.....blubbering tears....
I cry happy sad tears of joy and amazement of talented-ness.


Anonymous said...

Superb! Oldrose yes it is.

Malgorzata Arska said...

mg she reminds me my aunt :D
awesome character !!!!